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a litle more about me

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(@Anonymous 3604)
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At the beginning of our relationship, she was charming, attentive, and seemed genuinely interested in my life and interests. However, over time, she began to demand more and more attention and control over my life. She would constantly criticize my choices, belittle my accomplishments, and make me feel guilty for spending time with friends or pursuing my hobbies.

Whenever I tried to express my concerns or feelings, she would turn the conversation around and make it about her. She would tell me how much I was hurting her by not giving her enough attention or by questioning her behavior. I started to feel like I was always walking on eggshells around her, afraid to upset her or trigger another argument.

As the relationship progressed, her behavior became more manipulative and controlling. She would withhold affection and attention as punishment for things I had no control over, like being busy with work or spending time with my family. She would threaten to leave me if I didn't do what she wanted, or if I tried to assert my independence or set boundaries.

In the end, I realized that I was in an emotionally abusive relationship and needed to get out for the sake of my own mental health and well-being. It was a long and painful journey, but I was able to seek help and start the healing process.
