For and by Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse

We help you go from Victim to Survivor!


From victim of narcissistic abuse to survivor...

Do you want to recover from narcissistic abuse? Do you struggle with trusting anyone?

I know the impact…

I had a narcissistic mother. The people around me did not understand. They only saw her nice sides.

Because that's the annoying thing. Most people are simply not familiar with narcissistic personality disorder. They fall for the sweet talk of the narcissist.

With painful consequences!

You become isolated and feel lonely. You don't dare enter any new relationships for fear that they may be a narcissist.

That's why we've developed some powerful tools. Using them, you'll discover how to leave the narcissistic abuse behind you.

This will make you dare to trust other people again. And even start relationships. That's great because you are now putting your interests first for the first time - without feeling guilty about it.

Take the first step and participate in the '30Day Narcissism Free Challenge'. click on the button below for more information.

Tell me more about the challenge...

Some quotes from former participants...

  • Name
    My life has now become so much fuller and so much more relaxed. With deep gratitude to Herman.
  • Name
    I like your way because you put things clearly and don't beat around the bush. You do not alleviate the disease and that makes me feel very strongly supported by taking better care of MYSELF and making choices.
  • Name
    I have carried out all the assignments for myself and notice that my therapy responds to your Challenge and vice versa (interaction). My deepest gratitude for your Challenge!

On the information page about the challenge you will find more and extensive reviews from former participants.

Who am I?

When you visit this website you have probably just discovered that you are also a victim of narcissistic abuse. I know exactly what that feels like, because I was at that point in February 2015.

My name is Herman Liesemeijer, author of several books on narcissism and founder of this website. I grew up in a family with a covert narcissistic mother.

On November 19, 1967, I was born above my parents' pet shop. However, it was not as idyllic as it sounds. My mother abused me psychologically. Moreover, she incited the family members against each other.

For decades I tried to talk to my mother about this. What I was looking for first and foremost was recognition of the suffering that had been done to me. Furthermore, I hoped to find an explanation as to why my mother had done this to us. In the most ideal case, even regret and apologies.

But none of this happened. Whenever I tried to talk to my mother, I bit the granite. She flew into a rage and did all kinds of things to avoid having to admit guilt herself.

Does the above sound familiar to you? Then you have probably also dealt with a narcissist!

The discovery

A narcissist is someone who has built a false self-image around himself. Everyone has to confirm that false self-image and woe to anyone who questions it. Typical characteristics of narcissists are a lack of empathy and an inability to put themselves in someone else's shoes. Furthermore, they are extremely manipulative and do not tolerate criticism. The official name of this mental disorder is Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD for short.

When I broke off contact with my mother in February 2015, after being humiliated by her again, I realized that something was seriously wrong with her. I started looking for answers. After a long search I came across an article about the NPD. It was 100% recognition!

From that moment on the processing started. During this time I read a lot about the NPD, in an almost obsessive way. I also turned to regular assistance for help. But these did nothing with the fact that I had been exposed to narcissistic abuse since my earliest youth. Let alone that they had therapy for this.

Healing narcissistic abuse

Slowly my interest shifted from the NPD itself to recovering from narcissistic abuse. I learned from others how to find my true self and feel free and happy. In the meantime, I also founded this website and started blogging about narcissism.

The big breakthrough came when I organized the very first workshop together with a therapist at the end of 2017. In the run-up to this workshop, we gave a webinar together. In it she said that you have to step away from being a victim.

Self was still a victim at the time. But she made me aware that the only way is to actually get free from my narcissistic mother. Since then I have made great strides in my life and now make my own happiness.

Help to fellow sufferers

Today, together with therapists Corry de Rooy, Tanja van Rij and Zoraida van Welie, I help fellow sufferers to also take this step. One of our most powerful tools is the 30 Day Narcissism Free Challenge.

Click here if you want to know more about the '30 Day Narcissism Free Challenge' >>

I am also committed to making more people aware of the devastating consequences of narcissistic abuse. In this I work together with 'My Narcissist'.

Unfortunately, most people think of a narcissist as someone who is overly vain. The masses are unaware of the manipulations and mental abuse that take place behind the front door. Only the victims themselves know this.

But because a narcissist presents such a nice picture of himself to the outside world, the victims are often not even believed!

To make the general public aware of what goes on behind the front door, I wrote a book about it in my own language Dutch. Maybe some day it will also available in English.

Do you also want to take the next step to leave narcissistic abuse behind you? Then download my free e-book '10 Tips for Recovery after Narcissistic Abuse'. I wrote this E-book together with psychologist Corry de Rooy to help fellow sufferers.

In addition to this free e-book, you will receive a weekly inspiring email with tips for healing from narcissistic abuse. Do you no longer want this email after a while? At the bottom of each email there is a link to unsubscribe.

Claim your Free eBook NOW!

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